
The Word of Life: Systematic Theology, Volume Two is unavailable, but you can change that!

The focal point in Oden’s second volume is Jesus Christ. He is the Word made flesh, and this idea engages Oden in a methodical examination of Christ’s deity, the incarnation, and Christ’s humanity. In pursuit of the historical Jesus, we are invited to an intimate look at Jesus’ public ministry, as well as His death and resurrection.

The word “incarnation” (Gk. sarkosis, Lat. incarnatus) means enfleshing, or becoming flesh, the union of human nature with the divine in one person. The term “flesh” points to our entire created (not fallen) human nature. It signals that in the assumption of humanity “nothing was lacking that belongs to human nature” (Augustine, Enchiridion X.34, LCC VII, p. 360). Key teaching: in the fullness of time, the eternal Son assumed human nature without ceasing to be God
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